No, You Don't Need a Broadcast Channel

+ how you can create a flywheel the old-fashioned way

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Another week and another round of content.  I’m recovered from traipsing around the world and ready to explore more trends for you. This week my focus is solely on how Creators can drive deeper engagements while building their community.

Let’s dive into:

+ How NOT to build a connection with your community
+ what you should do instead
+ My favorite AI tool this week

— LaTecia

Why You Don’t Need a Broadcast Channel

Last year, Instagram introduced Broadcast channels as a way for “creators to deepen their connection with their fans,” and I immediately didn’t like the idea and advised every one of our brand and creator clients to stay away for one simple reason: one-way communication channels, while educational, miss the mark on engagement. And engagement, as we know, is the soul of connection. 

They’re already ignoring your emails – do you want them to tune you out online, too? 

The Mission of Every Interaction

 A Creator’s mission is to become irresistible—to craft a love affair with their audience that's nurtured through a series of deliberate touch points. In the world of music, this relationship unfolds like a well-composed symphony: single → music video → press tour → live tour.

Each step is a movement and the audience is there for the entire performance.

Artists like Beyonce, Taylor Swift and Bad Bunny have mastered this.

In the digital concert hall, the melody is supposed to flow similarly: one-way video → call-to-action → audience response → creator’s reply. It's a loop, a digital call-and-response that feels as natural as breathing. The point is palpable: the audience needs to feel you. Without that reciprocal moment, the connection doesn’t hit as strong.

Try Not to Isolate Your Community

Broadcast channels, as they're pitched, are akin to delivering a soliloquy at a dinner party. You’re speaking, sure, but without the nods, the laughter, the back-and-forth, it’s less of a dialogue and more of a lecture. That’s not the fabric of relationships. That’s not the dance we’re here to do.

The call-and-response is vital—it turns a void into a venue, a billboard into a conversation. Broadcast channels, with their one-directional approach, risk muting this dialogue. They risk turning your vibrant venue into a silent movie theater where the audience is expected to watch quietly without a chance to interact.

Connection is a living, breathing entity. It's a two-way street with heartbeats felt on both sides. Creators thrive on this pulse—it’s what turns a follower into a fan, a fan into a family member. When that connection is stifled due to the lack of interaction, the connection doesn't fade; it's severed.

Two-Way Conversations Drive Deeper Engagement

The digital world thrives on back-and-forth—the comments, the memes, the shared moments. This is the dialogue that turns passive scrolling into active engagement, transforming silent spectators into vocal advocates. Creators would do well to remember the venues of old, where echoes were not just heard but felt, where every call was met with a response, and where shared experiences turned casual listeners into lifelong fans.

Avoid the one-way street of broadcast channels and choose instead the path of engagement. Nurture the sparks of interaction into fires of community. That is the true essence of connection—unseen perhaps, but most certainly felt, evolving, and unbreakable.


Please don’t integrate broadcast channels into your strategy without first considering your brand’s unique strengths. Is your magic in the personal touch? The depth of your storytelling? The authenticity of your engagement? Like a master chef knows their signature dish, know what makes your brand's social media strategy Michelin-star worthy.

In the end, it's not about using every tool in the shed but knowing which ones will help your garden grow. Broadcast channels might be the latest, but that doesn't necessarily mean they're the greatest for your brand as a Creator. Focus on cultivating genuine connections, crafting compelling content, and engaging in meaningful conversations. That's the blueprint to building connection with your audience whether as a brand or a creator. 

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