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💡Maximize Your Impact: The Power of Delegation🚀

Dissecting What Effective Leadership for Studio Owners Looks Like

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​It’s the last weekend in January and nearly the end of a 31-day sprint for me.

​Over the last 4-weeks, I’ve broken down my predictions for the creator economy in the year ahead, how to use those predictions to grow your revenue to $250,000 over the same time, and how to build a launch plan to reach your target audience.

​ Cheers to consistency.

​ If you’re new here, Welcome, you can view past editions here to catch up.

​This week, I am sharing what I believe is one of the most important elements to ensure success for you as the founder of your own creator-led business: effective delegation.

​I’ve worked across several companies while also leading my own and the most significant determinant of a project’s success almost always boils down to three things:

​#1 The trust (or lack of) between the leader and their team#2 The team’s level of autonomy#3 The systems in place to ensure success

​ I was a solopreneur the first year of my studio, then started hiring out of necessity. I was tired, overworked, and desperately needed help.

​I hired the first person who expressed interest in working with me, and because of my limited budget (remember those $1,500 services), I was also limited on the level of skill I wanted to require.

​Big mistake.

​Several missed deadlines, late nights, and angry clients later, I had to fire the person. I was still tired, overworked, and in desperate need of help.

​When it came time to hire again, I put a lot more thought, effort, and budget into my next few hires: a creative strategist and a project manager. Both hires grew into their roles, received promotions, and now work with me as core members of the studio team.

​I’ve also had hires that were huge misses that caused more headaches and money than I care to share but taught me valuable lessons about the importance of building trust and setting up teams for success.

​Here’s how you can avoid making critical mistakes as you’re preparing to scale your business.

​Structure your systems

​ The first step to any delegation framework is to first structure the system. This matters even if you’re the only one in the business. Is there a particular way you like to onboard clients? Have you found an easier way to do this because you’ve done it for so long? That’s really great stuff to know – so write it down or record yourself doing it.

​ It will take time at first, but you’ll be glad you did when during client work and need to onboard someone quickly. My team currently has a massive database of SOPs, templates, and best practices they can refer to whenever they are stuck on something.

​I’ve found it helps to build trust and autonomy if they review the videos or content beforehand, attempt it, then come to me with questions.

​ This small step completely shifted our interactions and saves so much time in the long run.

​Identify areas you can offload

​A key part of delegation is getting crystal clear about what you can offload to others and what will always require your input.

​ Case-in-point: Founder-led sales.

​There was a period when I was completely burned out and thought that the solution was to offload the sales process to free up my time for other things like strategy and growth.

​Those factors are absolutely important elements to cover as a leader, but so are closing deals! There’s no point in a great strategy if you don’t have the revenue to execute it.

​ What I learned throughout this process is to vigorously inspect the actions I’m taking on a daily/weekly/monthly cadence and offload anything that isn’t revenue – strategy – growth-focused.

​Thinking about systems, creating pitch decks or proposals, following up on emails, and anything else that can be taught has been documented, detailed, and offloaded so I can focus on the areas that have the most impact: cultivating a team of great leaders and growing the business.

​Offload and get out of the way

​This is the hardest part. For me, it’s been a delicate balance in learning how to show I’m there without always jumping in to do it myself.

​I’m still learning how to do this, but once you’ve built the systems, documented them, and identified where to offload: actually doing it is going to be the difference maker.


​In summary, maximizing your impact as a founder will be key to realizing your goals for your creator-led company and setting you up for sustained success. To grow, you’ll need a team of people who understand your systems, can execute continuously, and free you up for the areas that drive the most value.

​To do that, you’ll need to learn how to delegate effectively, and I recommend focusing on these 3 areas:

​Week #1: Structure Your Systems Week #2: Identify Areas to OffloadWeek #3: Offload and get out of the way

​That’s all for this week.Thanks for reading.

​​Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

​​​​1. Book a call to work with me directly to scale your creator-led business or high-growth startup to $150K and beyond.2. Subscribe to my podcast to Grow + Expand Your Mindset alongside 10,000 other creators3. Promote yourself to 15k+ subscribers by sponsoring this newsletter and podcast (Booking into May 2023)

​​​​Love + Light,


​​Want more? Follow @lateciarising and let me know how I can help you scale as a creator. Want to support this newsletter and get featured? Drop me a line & I’ll be happy to collaborate.